There are various ways parishioners can become involved in the life of their parish community. Liturgical ministries are one example of ways individuals can dedicate their time and talents to the celebration of Masses and special services.
Altar Servers
Boys or girls who assist the priest during Mass; preparing the worship area, lighting candles, holding the books used at Mass and preparing for the Consecration. Open to any boy or girl who has received First Holy Communion. Individuals must meet special training requirements.
Catechists, teachers of the faith, assist the faith formation coordinator with religious education of the children. CCD meets Sunday mornings from 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. starting in September and running through April. Catechists must meet special training requirements and are subject to state background checks. For more information about VIRTUS, the Code of Pastoral Conduct and PA Child Services Law clearances, visit the diocesan website.
Catechist’s Aide
Catechist’s aides help the regular classroom catechist and occasionally take over the class when the regular catechist cannot be present. CCD meets Sunday mornings from 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. starting in September and running through April. Catechist’s aides must meet special training requirements and are subject to state background checks. For more information about VIRTUS, the Code of Pastoral Conduct and PA Child Services Law clearances, visit the diocesan website.
Communion to the Sick and Homebound
Women and men who are assigned to take Holy Communion to the sick and homebound, as well as to those in nursing homes and personal care homes.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Women and men commissioned by the bishop and appointed by the pastor who assist in the distribution of Communion during Mass.
Women and men who minister to the community by proclaiming the word of God during the Liturgy of the Word. Individuals must meet special training requirements and are subject to state background checks. For more information about VIRTUS, the Code of Pastoral Conduct and PA Child Services Law clearances, visit the diocesan website.
Ministry of Care
These ministers welcome new parishioners twice a year at a parish breakfast, make phone calls and visits to parishioners who are ill or homebound, and send cards acknowledging significant events. They coordinate the annual Candlelight Service in memory of our beloved dead each November. The Ministry of Care is also involved in the Christmas Angel Tree Project. For more information, please contact Joan Jones.
Ushers welcome and assist in seating congregants, providing assistance to the handicapped, taking up collections, coordinating gift bearers and attending to the ill during Sunday Mass.